Форум про громадський транспорт та транспорті системи

Форум про міський громадський транспорт та транспорті системи

Lost Ark Gold Giveaway 20% Free Continuing at IGGM.com

Lost Ark Gold Giveaway 20% Free Continuing at IGGM.com

Повідомлення jamysen » Сер, 27 квітня 2022, 04:19

The Fever Time event is back at Lost Ark. While the last Fever Time event in Lost Ark was initially considered trivial by players, it ended up being a favorite. Frenzy times have brought us so many potions and resources. Noting how we liked it, the developers are bringing back Fever Time. But this time, they brought a different reward. The developers are also testing the fever time event as a potential "economic injector" event.

Like last time, the fever time event is a simple one where we can get free items. To get the above items, we just need to log into the game during the active time frame. This event usually does not offer highly exclusive or rare items, only useful consumables or materials. So I spend Lost Ark Gold when I need rare items to get them. Last month, the event focused on potions. And this one focuses on more practical items that can help players in raids.

When it comes to Lost Ark Gold, every time I buy Lost Ark Gold it's a fixed place. Because this is the rare good seller I've come across, IGGM. Because I have been scammed by bad merchants before, I am very cautious. I don't have to worry about safety at IGGM. Because IGGM provides a safe trading environment and useful game news. I also recently got 20% free Lost Ark Gold during the event. We shouldn't miss this event, so act!
Повідомлення: 3
З нами з: Вів, 26 квітня 2022, 11:08

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